Cancun Fishing Charters-Sailfish
Sailfishing in Cancun is a world renowned Atlantic Sailfish hot spot and considered to be one of, if not the best location, to encounter billfish.
Our target specie is Atlantic Sailfish, and often we have the opportunity of catching White Marlin, Swordfish, Dorado, Bonito, Kingfish and Wahoo.
Our primary concern is conservation of the marine species. We use circle hooks and practice “catch & release” on all billfish. With edible species, the fishing practice is “catch what you can eat, and release the rest”.
We are a ‘Guy Harvey Endorsed Destination’ and participate in GHOF, Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, tagging projects of Mako sharks, white marlin and sailfish, all in our back yard.
We offer a range of custom tackle, starting with our rods supplied by “Custom Rods By Dru” of Palm Beach, Florida. We use TLD-20 Shimano conventional reels or Penn 6500S spinning reels, with twenty pound test monofilament line. Our regular bait is Ballyhoo, and the fishing method is dead bait trolling.
Keen M Sportfishing Charter in Cancun specializes in daytime sword fishing and deep-sea fly-fishing. We supply fly tackle upon request. We hold the Atlantic Sailfish fly fishing world record with 13 releases in one day by Nassim Joaquin on February 1, 2011.

Atlantic Sailfish
Flats & Lagoon Fishing
This is a tailor maid fishing trip based on weather and fish availability, our target is first and foremost Tarpon (Sabalo), the “Silver King”, that is our passion, with all other species on our hitlist Snook (Robalo), Permit (Palometa) and Bonefish (Macabi) for the Grand Slam.
Weather is always a factor in choosing the location, since we are based out of Isla Mujeres, we have access to many different areas like large flats, mangrove shorelines and channels to hunt.
The areas surrounding Isla Mujeres and Isla Blanca provide some of the best chance to achieve the inshore Grands Slam in a day (Tarpon/Snook/Bonefish/Permit) on fly and spinning tackle, we supply spin tackle as well as fly tackle, all of our gear is professionally maintain. If we have the opportunity, live bait is provided, this is a wonderful trip to experience the local coast like with a professional crew.
Sailfish Dive
We were the first… and are the best! FACT!!!
Capt Anthony Mendillo Jr. created the sailfish dive in 2004 and is world renowned as the specialist for diving encounters with large pelagic fish, primarily Atlantic sailfish & Mako sharks.
Keen M International has among its guests many of the best professional photographers, videographers and filming companies in the world like National Geographic and the BBC of London.
Isla Mujeres is a world renowned Atlantic Sailfish hot spot and considered to be one of, if not the best location, to encounter billfish.
Sailfish and sardines are migratory with populations in multiple oceans, but from December to June, Istiophorus platypterus and Sardinella aurita gather in this stretch of sea.
Sailfish cooperate, sometimes for several hours, to turn unwieldy prey into a manageable meal. They shoot in from all sides with their sails up and flashing iridescent colors as they get up close. Once a ball of bait is under control, the sailfish take turns shooting through it, heads whipping side to side as they use their bills to bat sardines with remarkable precision. Pursuers then nab stunned fish before they can escape. Typically they will consume every last one.